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What Our Clients Say

At our clinic, we have had the privilege of assisting numerous individuals in reclaiming their health and experiencing positive transformations. Witnessing our clients rediscover joy in life is incredibly rewarding for us.


To offer a glimpse into the impact of our work, we have reached out to some of our clients and asked them to share their thoughts and experiences with us.

Living with rheumatoid arthritis had been an ongoing battle for me, with chronic pain, joint stiffness, and a heavy reliance on medication. I was determined to find a better way to manage my condition and regain control of my life. 

Through her comprehensive approach,she helped me understand the underlying factors contributing to my rheumatoid arthritis. 

Following her recommendations, I made significant changes to my diet, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods and removing triggers that worsened my symptoms. I also adopted stress-reducing techniques and engaged in regular exercise tailored to my abilities. Alongside these adjustments, I worked closely with my healthcare provider to gradually reduce my reliance on medication.

The results have been incredible. Today, I am living a mostly pain-free life. The stiffness in my joints has significantly diminished, and I have regained mobility and flexibility that I thought I had lost forever. The need for medication has reduced, and I feel empowered to actively manage my condition with natural approaches.

The expertise and guidance provided by Murielhave been invaluable. Her support extended beyond the physical aspects of my condition; she also offered emotional support and helped me regain confidence in my body's ability to heal. I am grateful for the life-changing impact she has had on my journey with rheumatoid arthritis.



I had been battling with endometriosis and chronic fatigue for years, and it felt like a never-ending cycle of pain and exhaustion. Traditional treatments provided minimal relief, and I knew I needed a different approach. Muriel helped me understand the impact of food choices on inflammation and hormonal balance, and provided me with practical strategies to support my body's healing processes.

By making adjustments to my diet, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, and prioritising self-care practices, my symptoms significantly improved. The debilitating pain from endometriosis became more manageable, and my energy levels gradually increased. It was a life-changing transformation.

What impressed me the most about the clinic was their compassionate and knowledgeable approach. They truly listened to my concerns, understood the challenges I faced, and tailored their recommendations to fit my lifestyle. They empowered me to take charge of my health and provided ongoing support every step of the way.

I highly recommend the Autoimmune clinic. They have been instrumental in helping me regain control of my health and improve my overall well-being."



When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), I felt overwhelmed and uncertain about my future. Conventional treatments provided limited relief, and I knew there had to be a better way to manage my condition. That's when I discovered the power of nutrition and lifestyle medicine through the autoimmune clinic .

Working with Muriel I received personalised guidance and support to make positive changes to my diet and lifestyle. They helped me understand the importance of nourishing my body with nutrient-dense foods, figuring out and eliminating inflammatory triggers. 

Alongside dietary adjustments, Muriel emphasised the significance of stress management, quality sleep, regular exercise, and targeted supplementation. She provided me with tools and strategies to reduce stress levels and improve my overall well-being.

The results have been remarkable. Since implementing the nutrition and lifestyle changes recommended, I have experienced a significant reduction in MS symptoms. My energy levels have improved, and I feel more in control of my health.

I am grateful for the compassionate and knowledgeable team at the clinic. Their expertise in nutrition and lifestyle medicine has truly transformed my life. I now have hope and confidence in managing my condition and living a fulfilling life despite the challenges of MS.

I highly recommend the autoimmune clinic to anyone seeking a holistic and empowering approach to managing autoimmune conditions like multiple sclerosis. They are dedicated to helping clients achieve optimal health and well-being through the power of nutrition and lifestyle medicine."



I am so pleased I found Muriel to help and guide me through what was quite debilitating digestive issues. The one to one sessions are so helpful to thoroughly go through issues, enabling a detailed tailored plan to follow up. Muriel has extensive knowledge and experience to help get to the root cause. I have learnt so much, feel so much better and more able to manage my condition.



I enjoyed following the personalised plans Muriel made for me. They were very clear and concise and helped ease my symptoms. I felt that Muriel was very knowledgeable and knew lots of the latest research surrounding the area I was struggling with. I also really enjoyed the video calls where we were able to chat about everything and for any of my questions to be answered.
I benefited hugely from her guidance and support. She has helped me to hear. I was really struggling with a lot of symptoms and one by one Muriel was able to unpick why I was experiencing them and what I needed to do in terms of a remedy. 

Muriel is very knowledgeable in her field. She really cares about you and wants to help you feel better.

I can certainly recommend Muriel to support you in your journey back to health.



Big shout out to my nutritionist, Muriel who's helped me prioriritise my health & in such short time, has helped me reduce chronic pain, increase energy & happy hormones, and learn how to better treat my skin. 

Nutritionists are massively underrated!



Muriel has a great depth of knowledge, and is very warm and approachable putting me at ease from our first meeting. 

Starting with some simple changes to lifestyle, I am already feeling so much better, calmer and loving the feeling of vitality back in my life.



I approached Muriel out of desperation after I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis followed by long covid, which made my MS worse. Whilst I had the support of my doctors, all they could offer me were medications which made my immune system weak and more prone to get sick.

Having Muriel by my side to guide me through such a difficult time was priceless. She helped me understand my body better and help me feel more in control. I can honestly say that I feel healthier now than I did before my diagnosis.

The knowledge I have gained from working with Muriel will stay with me for the rest of my life.



Muriel was recommended to me by a friend and I am so thankful for it. I have IBS have struggled with digestive symptoms for as long as I can recall. Having worked with practitioners in the past without success, I had given up but I was pleasantly surprised with Muriel's knowledge. Within weeks my IBS symptoms were almost gone, and I am no longer having to restrict my diet or worry about looking pregnant when I am not. I would not hesitate to recommend Muriel.



I have MCAS and was only able to eat a handful of different foods before I worked with Muriel. When I first reached out to Muriel she felt it would be beneficial for me to look into a program and recommended that I get back in touch with her in a few months time. I really appreciated her honesty and willingness to help. I followed through with her advice and reached back out as discussed. I am so grateful for her guidance and support.

I feel so much better, I have more energy and a better understanding of my body. The best of all, I am now eating normal again, no restrictions!

Liz A.

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